Curriculum Vitae |
Zygmunt VETULANI, dr. hab., full professor (profesor zwyczajny) born 12-09-1950, Poznan, Poland Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza (Adam Mickiewicz University), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Professional
address: KEYWORDS:
1.02.1996 professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Division of Mathematical Logic,
Division of Computer Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence, head
of division (since 1.04.1993 until 31.12.2020).
RESEARCH VISITS, ...: French Government Research Scholarship, University Aix-Marseille II, Groupe Intelligence Artificielle, May-October, 1984 (prof. A.Colmerauer) Universität Salzburg, 1986, 1 month (prof. P. Weingartner, prof. I. Bellert) Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Uni. Bielefeld, Germany) and Europa Stypendium (University Paris VII), Oct.1987 - June 1989 ( prof. D. Gibbon) Research Fellowship: French Ministry of Research and Technology, Univ. Paris 7, Univ. Marne la Vallee, Oct. 1991-July 1992 (prof. R. Zuber, prof. M. Gross) PECO Research Scholarschip; LIMSI/CNRS Orsay, July - Sept. 1993 (prof. G. Ligozat), Univ. Paris VII (1 month visits: 1998, 2000; Sol), Univ. Paris XI, June-July 2002 (Ligozat) SHORT
RESEARCH VISITS EVALUATION: Rewiever of Polish national research grants (KBN, MNiSZW) (several times) Rewiever and member of evaluation panels for R&D European projects under the EU Framework Programs (several times) MANAGEMENT
1995 - 1998: European project "GRAMLEX
- COPERNICUS 621" - project
manager responsible for tasks about Polish, 1995-1998, domain: data
for language engineering, electronic resources, in collaboration with
partners from the France, Hungary and
Italy Other projects:
1993: "The stand 'Telematics, Companies and Universities' at the
International Poznań Fair, 13-18.06.1993" in collaboration with:
Université Paris 7 (G. Sol - main partner), Editions "Petit f"
Paris (G. Chamayou), Office Français de Télématique (M.
Duval), Compulink Paris (K. Banasiak), Bon Voyage/Poznań (J.
Niewiadomski), French Ambassy in Poland. (Polish co-ordinator of the
of parametrical-linguistc methods of speech analysis for speaker
recognition” („Rozwój parametryczno-lingwistycznych metod
analizy mowy w celu identyfikacji osoby mówiącej”) Grant MNiSzW
Nr 3T11C04030, at the Poznań Technical University) – executor. 2009-2010:
1: POLINT-CITTA-SMS: CITy Tour Assistant. Software
support touristical services in the City of Poznań (Stage I -
studies, period: 15.09.2009 - 30.11.2009). (RoM.V/3420-290/09
2: "Ontologia typu wordnet do zarządzania wiedzą w systemie
obsługi ruchu turystycznego w mieście Poznań - CITTA (CITTA
Ontology)" (Wordnet-type ontology for knowledge management to be
used in the systems for tourism srevices in the city of Poznań –
CITTA (CITTA Ontology) (period: 18.05.2010 - 30.11.2010)
(RoM.III/3420-52/10 Fn2625/10)
Grant of the Polish Ministry of Research and Higher Education
(MNiSW) "Rozbudowa zasobów cyfrowych języka polskiego w
zakresie słowników walencyjnych w kierunku leksykonu-gramatyki
zorientowana na potrzeby zastosowań informatycznych w humanistyce"
("Development of digital resources of Polish in the area of
valency dictionaries towards the lexicon grammar oriented to computer
applications in the humanities")/11H11 010080/, executor. ORGANIZATION OF
Linguistic Colloquium: Language - Communication - Computer Science,
September 18-21, 1991, Poznan, Poland, 200 participants (co-chaired
with J. Darski)
(see the LTC site at
of workshops at LTC’2009, LTC’2011, LTC’2013 (“Less
resourced Languages” /With Khalid Choukri, Joseph Mariani and (since 2013) Claudia Soria)
and LREC 2012 (“Language Resources for Homeland Security”
with Edouard Geoffroi) OTHER:
Participation in the excellence
network META-NET (since 2011) ( Since 4.02.2010 to 27.01.2014 Member of The
Board of The Global WordNet Association (GWA)
(Amsterdam, NL) Since 2010 Editorial Board
member of the International
Journal of Computational Linguistics Research
PhD PROMOTIONS Jan Daciuk, 7.02.1999, Technical University Gdańsk
Jacek Marciniak, University Paris Orsay (XI)
(co-tutors prof. G Ligozat i prof. Z. Vetulani) 21.06.1999 w Orsay Tomasz Obrębski, IPI PAN, Warsaw, 10.06.2002
Maciej Lison, Poznań Technical University, 2004 Filip Graliński, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science, UAM, 2007 Jedrzej Osiński, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science, UAM, 2012 Justyna
Walkowska , IPI PAN, Warsaw, 2012 Marek Kubis, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science, UAM, Poznań, 12.06.2013 TUTORSHIP OF ERASMUS MUNDUS POST DOC FELLOWS
Gayrat Matlatipov
(Uzbekistan) - 2007-2008 Habibula
Madatov (Uzbekistan) - 2008-2009 RESEARCH AWARDS:
Award of the President of the
Adam Mickiewicz University – 2001, 2007 WHEN NOT WORKING enjoys
practicing amateur sports (fencing, ski, windsurfing, swimming,...)
Modified: May 2, 2021.
1999 - 2001: French-Polish Joint Research
Project of the Polish Government (KBN) and the French Government
(POLONIUM), "Automatic generation of natural language commentary
on the bases of low level data: application in computer simulated
gammes", ref. 0606/R99, resp. of Polish tasks (project headed
jointly by : prof. G. Ligozat /France/ and prof. dr hab. Z. Vetulani
/Poland/), partners UAM and University Paris XI.
2006 - 2010 Project
of the
Polish Platform for Homeland Security
(PPBW) (Polish Government
Grant Nr R0002802 "Technologie przetwarzania tekstu polskiego
zorientowane na potrzeby bezpieczeństwa publicznego" ("Text
Processing Technologies for Homeland Security Purposes")
(POLINT-112-SMS), project manager
Language and Technology'95, April 14-15,
1995, Poznan, Poland (100 participants) (in collaboration with the
DGXIII), chair
of the panel disscussion "Language
Technology Resources for Central European Languages: European
Integration Issues" at LREC2000, Athens, Greece,
Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a
Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics ( LTC 2005) April
21-23, 2005, Poznan, Poland (over 120 participants), chair
Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a
Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics ( LTC 2007) October
5-7, 2007, Poznan, Poland (over 150 participants from 30 countries), chair
Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a
Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics ( LTC 2009) November
6-8, 2009, Poznan, Poland (over 150 participants from 38 countries), chair
Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a
Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics ( LTC 2009) November
25-27, 2011, Poznan, Poland (over 150 participants from 35 countries), chair
Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a
Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics ( LTC 2009) December
7-9, 2011, Poznan, Poland (over 150 participants from 40 countries),
co-chairs: Zygmunt Vetulani and Hans Uszkoreit
2008 - 2011: Participation
in the Fostering Language Resources Network
FLaReNet) (Grant Agreement No. ECP-2007-LANG-617001);
Award of the Minister of
National Education – 1990